Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Party Season

I know! I know!

Guilty as charged.

There has been a great lack of blogging in my life. I have not lost the will to blog, as Dave R suggested. Nor died as others might suppose. Just been a little bit preoccupied.

Party season is almost upon us. I like parties. A lot. I like party food. I like dressing up. I like party drinks. I like party people. I like Christmas parties. Afternoon parties. Dinner parties. Candlelit parties. Outdoor parties. Parties with friends.

Roll on party season.

Anyone else like parties out there?


Anonymous said...

Dang, skype-ing those hot Christian guys are waaay too much of a distraction for you my sweet. Stick to the weirdos, I know I do!

sc@vp said...

you have skype?




Adele said...

I like guilty parties...also innocent parties...

A.J. said...

I LOVE parties! Let's have lots of them for any reason! Of course if I looked as good in party dresses as you do i would like them even more!!!!

Charlie said... can't go to a party without a party animal.

Andrew G said...

absolutely... especially ones where with wine and prophecy

Anonymous said...

Sarah. Faith. Dalley.
In the past three weeks, I have flown several thousand miles, driven several hundred miles, experienced one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, eaten more chicken then I care to mention, drunk more prickly pear margarita then I care to mention, seen at least ten different species of cacti, six different cowboys and returned home to plough through at least 300 emails and get my hair cut.
And you STILL haven't updated your post! Gnash and wail indeed.