Friday, December 15, 2006

Dromedaries have one hump, Bactrians have two

The strangest thing happened the other night.
I was driving through downtown Toronto at night. It was cold, wet, windy and ugly. I was late and traffic was slow and determined to thwart me.

And then, from out of nowhere, they appeared.

The three wisemen and their camels.

No, seriously. I'm not kidding.

Walking down the street, (on the sidewalk incidentally), there were three men in purple and green silk robes, leading three big hairy camels. There were no vehicles in sight. No big vans with "Zoo" written upon them. No travelling circuses. Just three hairy camels in December in Toronto.

I love Toronto.


Anonymous said...

How cool! I love TO too!

Oh and welcome back to blog land!

Adele said...

Er. Do camels get frostbite?


Anonymous said...

Ahhh the perils of having too much syrup on your grande Macchiato...
Or was it the Amarula?

Anonymous said...

Oh and sorry, couldn't resist...and Humphrey has three!!!

Sorry. Grovel. Wail.

Anonymous said...


I mean ... REALLY?

that's weeeeird.

Anonymous said...

also? did you happen to see a particularly bright star? and maybe a little stable-thinggie anywhere?

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder that you have a blog, an adoring pubic and you haven't blogged in a month!!!!